High Quality Altzairu Steel Conveyor

Azalpen laburra:

Stainless steel conveyor apply to powder, block and short fiber, widely  used in the field of chemical,rubber, plastic, medicine, food, metallurgy,  building  materiel, machinery, mine,and other industries etc.

  • Brand: Hairise
  • Feature: Heat resistant
  • Application: Food,beverage ,can and bottle conveying
  • Buisiness Type: Manufacturer
  • Advantages: High strength and high load capacity design ect.
  • Remark: Customized dimensions all can be accepted by our factory (Furrow,Adjustable,Normal)
  • Produktuen xehetasuna

    Produktuen Tags

    Wire Mesh belt can carry hot or cold parts from ovens or freezers. It can also be used in drying operations. Units are available in straight and curves sections,

    Steel and Stainless material. The belt of conveyor can vary in materials used, wire diameter, spacing, design pattern and lateral width.


    alanbre sare gerriko CONVEYOR abantailak:

    sare uhal ezaugarri berezia eskainiko produktibitatea handitzeko, laguntza kostuak eduki eta, oro har, produktuaren kalitatea hobetzeko, besteak beste onura ugari:

    open-sare inguruan ehunekorik handiena available- gora 86% to

    Erraz garbitu, garbi-in-leku diseinua

    No-frogagiria, disko positiboa

    Oso txikia Gerriko masa

    Txikiena diametroa end erroiluak eta disko erroiluak

    Positiboa jarraipen zehatza egiteko bultzatuta


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